Apple Mcintosh Instructions

Note: Requires AirPort client software revision 2.0 or greater.

Consult the documentation provided with your wireless adapter to install the Apple AirPort wireless adapter or follow these steps:

Apple Macintosh OS X:

  1. Go to the Apple Menu Click on System Preferences and Select Network
  2. Select TCP/IP tab
  3. Select Built-in Ethernet in the Show pull down menu
  4. Select Using DHCP in the Configure pull down menu
  5. Click on Apply Now
  6. The IP address information, the Subnet Mask, the Router’s IP address and the Ethernet adapter address will appear
  7. Leave Domain Name Servers and Search Domains blank.


8. From the Apple pull-down menu, select AirPort to open the AirPort dialog box.


9. In the AirPort Network panel, click the Choose Network pull-down menu.


10. Select your wireless network name. Your wireless network name is "CityOfCalabasas-Public" or TSC_Public"


11. Click OK.


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