Please Note: The following plans were adopted prior to the 2030 General Plan, and some policies contained within these plans may have been superseded by the policies established in the General Plan.
Headwaters Corner Master Plan
Headwaters Corner at Calabasas is a collaborative venture with the explicit goal of creating a unique educational center that will generate a population of future land stewards dedicated to protecting and preserving the biological diversity of the Santa Monica Mountains. The Headwaters Corner property, owned by the City of Calabasas, is managed by Mountains Restoration Trust, a local community based land trust. Together, the two partners, collaborating with the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and other resource agencies, are committed to integrating the interests of residents, schools, businesses and government into the ever-evolving Headwaters Corner at Calabasas.
Headwaters Corner Master Plan
Bicycle Master Plan
The City of Calabasas Bicycle Master Plan, adopted in November 1996 and revised in March 1997, is the guide by which the City develops and implements an effective, safe and interconnected bicycle transportation system that will serve both commuters and recreational riders. The focus of the Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) is to provide bicycle mobility for vehicle trip reduction, however, it is recognized that recreational use of the bicycle system is an important element of a master plan as well.
Calabasas Park Centre Project Development and Design Guidelines
Las Virgenes Road Corridor Master Plan
The Las Virgenes Road Corridor Master Plan is a long-range planning document that makes recommendations for beautification, circulation and traffic improvements for Las Virgenes Road. The scope of the plan includes Las Virgenes Road from Mulholland Highway on the south end to the Ventura County line on the north end.
Las Virgenes Gateway Master Plan
The Las Virgenes Gateway Master Plan establishes more specific plans and guidelines for development occurring within the Las Virgenes Road and Ventura Freeway interchange area. Historically, this area has served as a rest stop area and gateway to the beaches along the Pacific Ocean., though more recently this corridor also serves the neighborhoods in western Calabasas, as well as a route to Pepperdine University, Malibu Creek State Park and the Santa Monica Mountains. The Las Virgenes Gateway Master Plan is intended to provide the City with additional planning (beyond the General Plan) to address land uses and private property development/design standards that have arisen from this confluence of land uses and users of the area.
Mulholland Highway Master Plan
The Mulholland Highway Master Plan for Capital Improvements is a long-range planning document that provides recommendations for traffic, circulation, roadway, and landscaping improvements along a 1.7 mile segment of Mulholland Highway. The corridor extends from Mulholland Drive to the southern Old Topanga Canyon Road intersection. The Master Plan provides the City with recommendations to respond to the City’s General Plan vision statement for the area, which is to restore the original beauty of the Mulholland corridor by developing a comprehensive Master Plan for the roadway.
Old Town Calabasas Master Plan
Adopted in March 1994, the Old Town Calabasas Master Plan was created in response to City residents’ desires to retain an important cultural resource and establish a historic retail “downtown” in Old Town Calabasas. The Master Plan provides design guidelines for Old Town to ensure that a “sense of place”, that is special and unique to the City of Calabasas is retained and enhanced, to reflect the history and spirit of Calabasas.
Parks Master Plan
The Parks Master Plan discusses the findings and recommendations for meeting existing and future park and recreation service needs in the City of Calabasas. The Plan identifies and evaluates existing park and recreation areas; assesses the need for additional park land, open space and specialized facilities; establishes criteria and standards for site selection, design, and management; and recommends an approach to implementation.
Trails Master Plan
The Calabasas Trails Master Plan provides a blueprint for the development of community trails over the next 10 years. The purpose of the Plan is to provide a continuous pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle trail system that will incorporate trail connections to open spaces, public facilities, and nearby regional parks. The Plan will be used in fostering and guiding the creation of a citywide trail network. It is intended to provide guidance for the location and construction of trails in the City. Further, the Trails Master Plan is intended to improve the operation, design and utilization of the City's off-street trail system, allowing equal and safe use for pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians.
West Calabasas Road Planning Guidelines
The West Calabasas Road Planning Guidelines are intended to provide clear and useful recommendations for the design, construction, review, and approval of all development in the West Calabasas Road Master Plan area. These guidelines are a reference point for a common understanding of the community’s minimum design expectations. The guidelines are offered as one way of achieving attractive and functional projects that will realize the goals of both the City and the community.