This program has reached capacity. If you want to wait at the event to see if there is room, you can. There is no guarantee. Attendees will be checked in.
Wednesday, July 6 at 4:00 p.m. - Join us in person for an exciting time with science exploring the wonders of shimmering and giant bubbles.
Reservations Required. Register here - Space is limited. No Walk-Ins
Questions? Call 818-225-7616 or visit http://www.calabasaslibrary.org
Calabasas Library, 200 Civic Center Way, Calabasas, CA 91302
Sponsored by the Friends of the Calabasas Library
Donations: Venmo @CalabasasFriends
Social Media:
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Twitter - @calabasaslib
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Library Academy
The Library's COVID policies are subject to change.